Social Media

How to create an effective content plan for your social media accounts

Imitation is flattery.By this, I don’t mean copy what your competitors are doing, but if you are fighting for mindshare...

Competitor analysis for social content

Imitation is flattery.

By this, I don’t mean copy what your competitors are doing, but if you are fighting for mindshare amongst a similar audience, it pays to know what content that audience currently consumes and responds to. You can then factor in popular topics and content formats into your social content plan.

By knowing what competitors are doing, you can also quickly identify content gaps:

  1. What topics aren’t they covering?
  2. Which topics are they covering poorly, with low-quality content?
  3. Which topics are they covering but not comprehensively, so there’s an opportunity to establish a niche foothold?

Let’s use a real-world example.

I set-up the social media strategy for a crowdfunding startup. We reviewed our competitors’ comms and content approach and realised there was a big gap for ‘inspiration’. There was lots of factual information around crowdfunding + stories from people who had successfully funded, but nobody was using content to inspire people to take action. Everything was about how crowdfunding works, not what makes a great idea and what drives success, two critical ingredients to using crowdfunding successfully.

Originality is inspiring.

We decided to create inspiring content through other people. We ran a series of inspirational events featuring speakers who had a success story to tell, to demonstrate that success is unique to each of us and what makes each person successful varies but people who achieve have some things in common e.g. drive and ambition.

This helped generate unique content that drove social engagement:

  • Announcements of new free events at our London base (with Eventbrite registration)
  • Announcements for new speakers and a profile (amplified by them sharing with their personal networks)
  • Live tweeting to share quotes and insights from the speakers, via the hashtag #shedevents
  • Post-event write-ups and photos for visual content
  • Quotes from the speakers for short social posts
  • Post event interviews with some of the speakers around topics related to inspiration.

The results:

  1. Increased event attendance by 50%
  2. Increased social followers by 110%
  3. Increased social engagement (# posts shared, commented etc.) by 65%

Creating a social media content marketing calendar

Keep this simple. Work on a quarterly basis and build out the content plan month-by-month aligned with your overall content calendar.

You should have a set of stories that need to be told, then break down for each month which story components are the focus and the content formats and social channels that will be used to distribute the messages.

There are many ways of doing this. Below is just one approach I’ve used:

Example of content calendar

I like to map channel-level content activities back to high-level content stories, so there’s a clear link with the overall content plan. It means that each time I’m thinking about what content should be posted, I’m making sure it supports a key story.

That doesn’t mean there’s no place for ad-hoc; there always is. But you don’t plan ad-hoc! Embrace the opportunity to post content that isn’t part of the core stories, provided there’s a clear reason to do so that’s in tune with your content marketing strategy i.e. don’t start sharing content that’s not consistent with your brand style/voice.

Optimising content for a social audience

Businesses produce a lot of content; don’t restrict your social channels to content the social team produces. Think laterally.

For example, customer service teams create a lot of helpful content for users, answering FAQs and enquiries. They often add to the business knowledge base, and this information can be really helpful to social customers e.g. care instructions for a product. However, the content may not always be in a format and style that’s suitable for a social audience, so you can take the raw content and repurpose for your social channels.

Let’s use the example of care instructions. You could turn this into ‘Tip of the day’ for Twitter, using short-form, take-away advice that can link to more detailed content on your website.

Creating regular hooks

Find a content format that can be used to create regular posts that encourage people to come back for more.

The example from Twitter below shows @Craft posting weekly roundups from its Flickr pool, so using content from one social channel to create new posts on another.

Craft twitter weekly roundup

Hashtags are a good example. If you can establish a #hashtag in customers’ social vocabulary, you’ll benefit in two key ways:

  1. Posts you tag with the # are more likely to be noticed as many will be monitoring the
  2. Other users will include the # in posts, building the conversation without needing you to create all the content

Many brands use hashtags to create social conversation threads. Selfridges uses #bodytalk to coordinate social activity off the back of its physical events.

Selfridges #bodytalk campaign

Increasing content reach

You want the biggest reach possible (amongst relevant audiences) so that you optimise your investment. This means finding ways to encourage other social users to share your content with their wider network. Below I look at 3 techniques to enable this:


You’ve got something but there isn’t much left and people have to hurry to get it. Scarcity is often a marketing veil but if used well can drive social activity. A good example is popular events where tickets sell out quickly – publicising the ticket launch date well in advance drums up interest.

In the UK, Brighton SEO is a great example. @kelvinnewman and the team have grown the event to be a leading European SEO event and tickets sell out within minutes of release, but the marketing starts a long time in advance to get people hooked and talking about the event.

BrightonSEO tweets


If you offer something that people can’t get anywhere else, and it’s relevant to them, you stand a good chance of getting their attention and increasing engagement with your social content.

Oreo is a good example. For Halloween they created a series of Vine videos spoofing popular horror films. Unique, funny and shareable.

Oreo horror story videos

The brand also uses an ‘Open up with Oreo’ storyline that posts short messages with images and animated video to bring the brand to life.


Find influencers who have their own engaged audience (don’t just think ‘people with millions of followers’, the followers need to actually listen to what they’re saying). Come up with a value proposition for them that encourages them to listen to what you’re posting and then share your content.

Test, measure and learn

How do you know what content works in social media?

Even without web analytics or social media analytics, you can very quickly look at engagement metrics for individual posts e.g. likes on Facebook, RT on Twitter.

However, to know how content contributes to your digital KPIs and ROI, then you need to ensure you’re measuring a much wider set of metrics. A few tips:

  • Add campaign tracking to all posted links (using a consistent tracking taxonomy)
  • Use social reports in web analytics to monitor social sessions and conversions
  • Use referral reports to compare social domains to other domains for referral traffic
  • Use landing page reports and then apply social segments to gauge social impact for key content pages

You should also use social network specific analytics to explore the impact of your content. For example, on Twitter you can compare month-on-month for total engagement and drill down into tweets with the most impressions and engagement.

Make sure you define the KPIs you will measure success against and then ensure reports are set-up to provide the data for analysis. Don’t go into the analytics tools with no idea what you want to measure – you’ll waste a lot of time!

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