Social Media

5 social media apps you should be paying attention to

2020 is the year where technology advances and continues to grow. This will mean an influx of new applications and software...

2020 is the year where technology advances and continues to grow. This will mean an influx of new applications and software which is trying to knock the top boys off their perch. As a business we utilise many platforms and have our favourites, but this article will focus heavily on the 10 best social media and content apps you should be using in 2020.


Facebook is The king of social media and the one with the largest amount of users across the globe. Facebook has around 2 billion active users per month, making it the ultimate social media platform.

In more recent times with the addition of Facebook Pages and also Facebook Ad Campaigns, the platform has become a marketing hub for businesses now with the ability to manage multiple campaigns and marketing to create brand awareness.


After being purchased by Facebook, it is safe to say that Instagram is going to be just as big as Facebook if not bigger in years to come. Instagram provides a new dynamic to social media by allowing users to share pictures specific to them or their brand. A lot of influencers have grown out of Instagram, and it is used by some of the worlds largest brands.

Instagram has added the memories, live and IGTV over the past few years to make it more interactive for users.


Following on from Facebook, Twitter was one of the most commonly used platforms around 5-10 years ago. Being the only platform to adopt a character limit for posts, 336 million people still use the platform on a monthly basis. And not to mention, one of the first platforms to adopt the hashtag (#)

If you want to know more about hashtags can help to improve your traffic, take a look at how Sprout Social have suggested you place them within your posts. Hashtag Marketing Tactics That Actually Work


The platform which we believe is going to grow the most in 2020. Youtube is taking the internet by storm, and with 1.8 billion users per month, more and more people are using this platform. With its new ways for people to document their lives, and also with the introduction of adverts, this is a great way to target and generate a new audience.


ContentCal is the ultimate tool for creating content as a team. You can gather content ideas and inspiration from any number of sources, build the perfect content plan and approve and collaborate on that content with your team. Once you’ve crafted the perfect content to help you get found online, you can automate the publishing of this content to all of your social media pages, then analyse the performance of that content and understand what’s worked well and why. Finally, you can respond to any messages, comments and mentions of your brand across social media channels in one team inbox.

You can get started for free on

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